Learning the New Three R’s: Responsibility, Respect, and Relationships
The University of Texas at Austin has announced a new sports leadership program called The Center for Sports Leadership and Innovation. This first-of-its kind initiative comes amid headline-grabbing stories of deflated footballs, sexual assault accusations, and...
More Money, More Problems
Philip Buchanon is a former first-round NFL Draft pick. He spent nine years in the NFL playing for the Raiders, Texans, Buccaneers, Lions and Redskins. But his true success came off the field – when it came to handling his finances. Buchanon says after he was drafted...
Balancing Act: Work, Life, Self: Is Balance Really Possible?
Often, at speaking engagements, fellow moms will ask me how I managed to have a full-time career and support my son Jordan in his climb to the NFL. I am always honest; it wasn’t easy. Being a mom is a great joy, but managing a full-time job while raising kids...
Tackling Adversity: Helping Your Child Athlete Handle Tough Times
It’s Friday night. For many of us that means taking a seat on the bleachers or standing on the sidelines to cheer on our children as they try to make a name for themselves on their high school football team. But for every big win, one team goes home...